Tactful Elite Security Solutions is a global leader in the security industry, offering a wealth of opportunity to individuals looking to gain experience and develop professionally in a growing industry. We offer flexible schedules, diverse work assignments spanning multiple industries, and training and career advancement opportunities. We encourage diversity and welcome reservists and veterans, women,
Anvil Institute LLC is a training school/facility, for security professionals and the everyday person seeking quality training. We teach Krav-Maga, basic self defense – situation awareness – and basic life saving skills that everyone can benefit from. Anvil Institute mission is to be , “training our minds to always be ready“. Classes are offered in
Mr. Moretto will be instructing the SAS® training program at Anvil Institute located at 2425 North Courtenay Parkway #105 Merritt Island Florida 32953.
Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic restrictions, Tactful Elite Security Solutions (TESS) has not provided Access Control Security Services for a major venue since March of 2020. That finally all changed this past Saturday December 12 , 2020 when Tactful Elite Security Solutions was on-hand to reopen the Maxwell C. King Center for Brevard Symphony
You may own a small business that sells high-end goods, a jewelry shop, or a huge commercialbuilding with numerous entry and exit points. It makes a lot of sense that you would want tosafeguard your place of business-both from criminal elements and the occasional insider, whocould just as easily be one of your employees walking
Retailers have been paying a lot of attention to network security, and that is certainly a smart thing to move. No business, from the smallest mom and pop shop to the largest big box retailer, can afford to take the security of their customer records for granted. But while online security is certainly important, it