Everyone wants that warm safe feeling they get inside when they’re home. Tactful Elite Security Solutions ( TESS ) secures that feeling with its Residential Security Services. TESS has been a leading security guard provider in Florida since 2014. Our security guards go through extensive training & have the skill set to keep your community & residents safe. You will have the peace of mind that a reputable Security Agency is watching over your community.
TESS understands that every community is different. Our Security Guards know how important it is to learn the characteristics of your community, property, and residents. We work very hard to develop a plan for mitigating potential threats and any safety risks.
TESS Residential Security Services Include:
Maintaining and enforcing Association Rules And Regulations
Securing Residential Property Entry & Exit Points
Roaming Patrol via Foot or Vehicle Patrol
Make contact with any suspicious persons, and verify that they reside at or have permission to be on the residential property
Calling Tow Truck for vehicle obstructions in roadways or vehicles in non authorized residential areas
Maintaining a safe environment for the Residents and Residential Guests
Assisting Residents & Residential Guests
Notifying Management of any Safety Issues or Concerns
Notification of Local Law Enforcement Agencies in the event of a suspected crime
Notification of Local Fire & Rescue for any Medical issues with a Resident or Residential Guest
Notification of Local Fire & Rescue for any Fires on or near the Residential Property
TESS GLOBAL will enforce no loitering and no illegal activity on (“Customer’) property
Types of Areas we service:
Apartment Complexes
Hotels / Motels
Home Owners Associations (HOA)
Condo Associations
Gated / Private / Secluded Communities
Tactful Elite Security Solutions offers Armed & Unarmed Security Guard Services for Long term and short term assignments . Contact TESS for a Free Quote for your Residential Security Services today!